In the year 2000, a desperate young man takes a job at an infamous, long-abandoned pizzeria with a dark past, bringing his little sister along. As they uncover the restless spirits and vengeful animatronics within, they must confront their own haunting memories. With the help of an enigmatic police officer, they battle to save their souls and unravel the sinister secrets lurking at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza. Written by Aidan Sayson
Five Nights at Freddy’s Movie Reaction Mashup
2023 109 min
Country: United States
Director: Emma Tammi
Actors: Christian StokesDavid LindElizabeth LailGrant Feely…Joseph PoliquinJosh HutchersonKat Conner SterlingMary Stuart MastersonMatthew LillardPiper Rubio
Genres: Movies
Server #1
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